Salon Policy
Cancellation Notice/Noshow
Your appointments are very important to us and our team professionals. We hold your appointments just for you so adopting the following policy is a common courtesy to everyone’s valuable time. We ask that if you must cancel or reschedule any appointment, you please provide us with:
• 24-Hour notice for appointments under 2 hours in duration •48-Hour notice for appointments with a duration of 2 hours or more
This way our team professionals will be able to adjust their schedules accordingly along with possibly being able to accommodate clients on our waiting list. We do, of course, understand that unavoidable issues come up and will do our best to work with you in case of an emergency, etc. However, if last minute cancellations or ‘no shows’ become a habit, you will be charged a cancellation fee. Here is our general breakdown of cancellation fees:
• Less than 24-hour notice will result in a charge equal to 50% of reserved appointment(s)
• NO SHOWS’ will be charged 100% of service amount
Late Arrival Time: We understand there may be a situation out of your control that causes you to be late for your appointment. In such a case, our policy is as follows: If the schedule permits us to squeeze you in without major interruption to our other clients, we will be happy to do so. However, if the schedule does not allow, we will work with you to reschedule your appointment ASAP.
Pricing and Deposits: Prices listed in this menu are subject to change without notice. Our staff will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding prices, as well as, set up a consultation prior to any appointments.
A credit card deposit is required for certain services based on pricing and or appointment time we are blocking out, along with all Spa Packages and Bridal Parties, or any other multiple appointment services over $100
Thank You for respecting what we love doing most...SERVING YOU!